When space is silence…

Words, sounds, and space…

Silver with a dash of blue


I saw a silverbird the other day. We greeted each other as curious strangers –with a subtle eye recognition,         at   the  distance.
Silverbirds are known to be reserved.

One moonless night, he came to my window and sang a spellbinding song —Just for me!
I waited impatiently each sunset for darkness; darkness dazzled by that ephemeral song.
Then came the midnight sun.

Unbreakable until then, I did not understand the spiral I was falling into. I longed for crystalline enchantment, longed for the song.
In dizzying sunlight, my steps trembled.

I fell and broke.

_____Adriana Citlali

For dVerse | Poets Pub’s challenge to write a poem using the first person –-an apparent first person (maybe).

Author: Adriana Citlali Ramírez

A citizen of the world, born in Mexico city... A physicist (working as a geophysicist) and a part-time artist (creative writing, oil/acrylic painting, photography)… All posts, visual art, and poems ©Adriana Citlali Ramírez. All rights reserved.

15 thoughts on “Silver with a dash of blue

  1. If blue is sadness, I relate to the dash of blue in the poem.

  2. Like the word placement “at a distance”
    Sad endng here,,,,that touch of blue that was probably there all along….erased by that beautiful song….then back.

  3. I hope this is not you, Adri. You are beautiful with a bright, bubbly smile.

    About the poem: I like how things are bright when everything is dark (no moon or sun).

  4. There is such magic in your dance here… you make it sound so beautiful to fall… but I guess in the end it’s just pain…

  5. The longing for relief is compelling in your piece!

  6. Magical interlude so beautifully expressed. So glad you joined us today, Adriana.

  7. So fevered in the second stanza and then the sudden fall. You made it sound magical even through the pain

  8. Lovely, but such a sad ending. Really enjoyed this.

  9. We greeted each other as curious strangers…I fell and broke.

    Just wonderful.

  10. An alluring piece. The songbird and the beauty of the night all seem to fade into the light of day.

  11. You caught me up in your lines early and made me feel your spiral. Yours is both sad and beautiful to me.

  12. For every Moonlit
    Star a hope for more
    to lEarn and feeL..
    a realiTy for
    say and FEEL noW
    so let It Be writTen
    so let iT bE dOne..:)

  13. Adry, i wonder if are you long for see, or long for hear the far, faraway mayan blue bird songing.

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