When space is silence…

Words, sounds, and space…


Amelia is out

Somewhere in between       
thick eyelashes and the second behind her eyes       
something stops Amelia from leaving       

It is not lack of a confidence mask
not her camouflaged smile
nor the keys

It is that mirror that keeps staring at her
showing the sadness she shares life with
frustration of waking up with just a memory
guilt of ending it all      (if only)

Only the mirror knows
the naked reflection and the crimson lipstick
Outside she wears dressy hair and savvy shades

Not today, Amelia thought
     Today I want to cry frozen tears
    remove the night shades
   show those feelings
  my pale lips
 the scars

The reflection drags her back
pulls her spirit
fades her chance …

_____Adriana Citlali


Today I am exploring Amelia as a character after the prompt at MeetingTheBar: Character Matters | dVerse.