When space is silence…

Words, sounds, and space…

Beat #1


A cloud melted my dreams last month,
before dissolving itself into sound and rainbow.
I wonder why.

_____Adriana Citlali

Author: Adriana Citlali Ramírez

A citizen of the world, born in Mexico city... A physicist (working as a geophysicist) and a part-time artist (creative writing, oil/acrylic painting, photography)… All posts, visual art, and poems ©Adriana Citlali Ramírez. All rights reserved.

20 thoughts on “Beat #1

  1. Such an intriguing short crisp poem ~ I like the dissolving itself into sound and rainbow.

  2. A beautiful moment, well-imagined. Nice to see you, Adriana. Hope to see you today or tomorrow at dVerse.

  3. Just lovely, Adriana. Sometimes it is the short poems that leave the strongest impression. A cloud melting into sound and rainbow – love it!

  4. Brevity worn as bravery; you ain’t afraid of shortness. I enjoyed the piece, & yes, you accomplished the synesthesia as well.

  5. The first line is absolutely stunning… and it build itself so well into that last line… in brevity it says it all…

  6. A beautiful synesthesia image of a cloud melting a dream. Nature often leaves us wondering…

  7. Smiles.. November
    clouds are clouds
    of past that
    melt dreams
    for me
    Spring Sun
    comes again..
    somehow i erased
    the clouds from the
    sky.. decades practice..:)

  8. I love short poems. As a reader, they turn on my imagination because there’s so much room to apply the poet’s image to my own experience. Wonderful. I think this one could even be shorter, maybe without the last line, leaving just the image? 🙂 But wonderful regardless.

  9. Beautiful image – and as brief as rainbows often are. Bravo on the brevity as well!

  10. Writing and deleting led to a crisp, beautiful poem.

  11. The brevity only serves to intensify!

  12. Nicely put….and ‘why’?

  13. Sharp and short, and lingering with unanswered questions. Nice.

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