When space is silence…

Words, sounds, and space…


Where’s the respect?

L:   Ohh! How I hate slush!
      and those icy roads
      threatening our contact

R:   Her voice! Her voice complaining
      that our touch is too smooth
      Too slick for the season

L:   Unbelievable!
      Where is the respect?
      When was style forgotten?

R:   The bitch fell down
       So what?
       Everyone falls someday

L:    Winter is coming
      dark days ahead
      back into that closet

R:   Soon forgotten!
       while that bulky pair
       makes the rounds

L:   Oh! So unfair!
      How I hate that stuffy couple
      heavy and slow

R:   They’ve got no manners
      no etiquette
      no heels, no style

L:    Can’t breath here
       it’s too crowded
      I miss the rain …

_____Adriana Citlali


Where's the respect?

Where’s the respect?

This poem is written for dVerse Poetics: A mile in these Shoes.