When space is silence…

Words, sounds, and space…


The memory at the end of the wind

There is an ocean at the precipice of your desired amnesia   

Take the step
                    JUMP!     Surprise the water
Forget it all
             Can you?

Can those waves clean selected echoes inside your head?
Will they remove the memory brought by the wind?
       The one that hit you like a hurricane
          woke you up from false numbness
       The one that provoked you to move again
                         to see the morning sky
                         to feel the breeze on your face

Granted, it brought you to tears

It has that effect on me
but I cherish it nevertheless
Isn’t it reflecting the good times as well?

Do you really want to stop?

Then jump
                    JUMP!  JUMP!     Surprise the water
Forget the wind
                              your past
& us

_____Adriana Citlali

Written after Kerry’s prompt at Imaginary garden with real toads.


Amelia is out

Somewhere in between       
thick eyelashes and the second behind her eyes       
something stops Amelia from leaving       

It is not lack of a confidence mask
not her camouflaged smile
nor the keys

It is that mirror that keeps staring at her
showing the sadness she shares life with
frustration of waking up with just a memory
guilt of ending it all      (if only)

Only the mirror knows
the naked reflection and the crimson lipstick
Outside she wears dressy hair and savvy shades

Not today, Amelia thought
     Today I want to cry frozen tears
    remove the night shades
   show those feelings
  my pale lips
 the scars

The reflection drags her back
pulls her spirit
fades her chance …

_____Adriana Citlali


Today I am exploring Amelia as a character after the prompt at MeetingTheBar: Character Matters | dVerse.


Shiny glass

      What  do  you  see?

Memory   or   possibility?

Is she the girl
          the lady
a scientist      ?
    lost    female
or the woman you don’t know?

Tell me
What do you fear?
How do you dream?
What’s behind your lips?

Just stop the silence

End this reflection

Close my eyes


_____Adriana Citlali

Note: Poem for dVerse Poets. Read what others have to say in OpenLinkNight ~ Week 100 | dVerse.