When space is silence…

Words, sounds, and space…


As mentioned in my first post:

When I write poetry, sometimes I feel that perfect punctuation is necessary. More often, I realize that some of the punctuation is not needed, just like some of the words originally filling a stanza can be removed. In poetry, less is definitely more…Very often, I strongly feel that the words themselves in harmony with blank space can dictate the rhythm and silences of a poem. By allowing the words and the space create the rhythm, I believe I can almost paint a blank page with words. This is part of my voice, of my signature. This is my view.

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8 thoughts on “About

  1. Hey Adriana,
    If your still interested to be interviewed I have the questions ready for you. I’m sorry to write on here it appears you aren’t accepting messages on Goodreads.


  2. ‘I believe I can almost paint a blank page with words.’

    and we share this belief, as an ex painter with no training in the poetry i write, it is precisely how i feel. and honestly, words color far better than my paint ever could.

    • Thanks for your comment. I like painting too (with colors or words). For me they are different expressions and I seek them to complement my contact with and understanding of the world. I also think that words are more powerful because they force us (the writers and the readers) to imagine the feelings, shades, shapes, and colors. Painting for me is a way to release stress, to express myself when I cannot find the “correct” words, to let the brush control the moment.

  3. I like your voice. I like your signature.
    I love your view 😉

    Keep writing ❤

  4. You’ve taken the words out of my mind and painted them on paper, well kind of on paper.

  5. digging and feeling your vibe. real clear and direct

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