When space is silence…

Words, sounds, and space…

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Amelia in the dark

      What do you do when life comes crashing
                                      into you
like a sound-machine                 that can’t emit silence?

What do I do when January darkness hits me in mid-November? –Amelia questions the lightless air surrounding her. The lightless bricks that keep arranging themselves in front of her eyes. Those perfectly placed fractals that make her feel that life is upside down. Amelia is transported by a speedless rollercoaster into an augmented reality that keeps projecting dark into her irides   .  .  .    Amelia shakes her head —This, too, shall pass.

The clouds up there    dissolve    into fluttering dust.
With one eye open                       Amelia spins back to silence.

_____Adriana Citlali


Amelia’s entourage

      What are stars really?


    but collapsed massive dust-clouds
      under their own gravity

Three black candles
Five dead roses to conceal a secret
Seven songs, a drum beat and a long silence

Amelia’s eyes follow
  the swirl of smoke provoked by the lit candles

Eleven scenarios
Thirteen memories repeated ad libitum
A hundred and one hours to ponder a fixation

Amelia’s left hand feels
  the touch of nostalgia conjured by the silence

Seventy one chants of an imaginary ritual
thirty-seven untold promises
two tears and a smile

      What is this really?


    but collapsed obsessive thoughts
      under their own passion

_____Adriana Citlali

Today’s theme at dVerse is community. The prompt got me writing about a semi-ethereal one.


**Psychedelic anticipation

Intermittent blue-brightness
  Unsteady sparkles
*  *  *  Fluorescent flashes   *  *

Insomniac Amelia pretends to sleep

Blaring lines propagate inside closed eyelids
Dizzying roller-coaster glow-rides

Amelia deep-dives in psychedelic night

Gleaming clock-light marks minutes
      with brassband effusion

Confusion      *     Distortion
   Moody hallucinations

Exhausted, Amelia decides to STOP
*    *  Electric spirals fight her desires
Amelia imposes a waltz dance
  *     A rainbow-on-acid offers a ride

Amelia thinks of dawn

Monettian smoothness

Satie-an soft-piano      fades  away

Amelia sleeps…

_____Adriana Citlali

dVerse Poets Pub –today’s word is dawn.


Autumn stupor

Drowsed by golden leaves,
Amelia  rests  at  her  balcony.

Her thoughts blink purple and red,
under a Monetian sunset.

Amelia wonders about the passion contained in clouds.
A secret desire? A lover’s touch?

Scarlet elixir indulges her lips.
Eyelids closed. He whispers. She observes.

_____Adriana Citlali

Quadrille #18 | dVerse


The jar of a heartbeat


Amelia feels the jar of a heartbeat
wrapped around unspoken words


The phone is ringing
A turmoil of fears clutter her thoughts


Amelia answers
Words are spoken


Amelia releases a secret
Possibilities scatter around


Amelia feels the enchantment of freedom

_____Adriana Citlali

Time for a Quadrille at dVerse: a 44-word poem that has to include today’s word jar.

Source: Quadrille #13 | dVerse