When space is silence…

Words, sounds, and space…


Silver with a dash of blue

I saw a silverbird the other day. We greeted each other as curious strangers –with a subtle eye recognition,         at   the  distance.
Silverbirds are known to be reserved.

One moonless night, he came to my window and sang a spellbinding song —Just for me!
I waited impatiently each sunset for darkness; darkness dazzled by that ephemeral song.
Then came the midnight sun.

Unbreakable until then, I did not understand the spiral I was falling into. I longed for crystalline enchantment, longed for the song.
In dizzying sunlight, my steps trembled.

I fell and broke.

_____Adriana Citlali

For dVerse | Poets Pub’s challenge to write a poem using the first person –-an apparent first person (maybe).

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Who will whisper to you?

A poem by Anne Birgitte Vestheim J.

Today he will proclaim his love to you. He will bring you flowers, treat you like a queen, talk about your beauty, open his heart, and tell you about the light you bring into his life.

But who will whisper to you about the secrets?

I will. Your sister will. I will tell you about the source.

Woman, you find your MAGIC in the silence.
In the pause between your breaths.
In the suspension between the lines of a poem.
In that moment between life and death.

Woman, your POWER lies in your flow.
The flow of your soul.
The flow of your heart.
When you discover that one tiny brightly flower in the midst of the forest.
When you turn around just in time to capture the rainbow over the city.

Woman, you find your STRENGTH in your vulnerability.
When you cannot hide anymore the truth of who you are.
When you stand naked before the world.
You become unbeatable ´cause you know who you are.
‘Cause you dare to be.

These are our secrets.

This is my whisper to you.


The other day, I was having a drink with friends (after a professional women networking event) and the topic of Valentine’s day popped up. I mentioned that, in Mexico, 14th of February is referred to as the day of love and friendship. There were periods in my life when it was more important to celebrate with my friends that with whoever I was in a romantic relationship. As a young woman in Mexico, I often said that friends are forever, and forever is not always true for boyfriends/partners/significant-others. Anyway, these delightful women and I decided to celebrate friendship day in Oslo, and exchange chocolates and words (as I used to do with my friends in my younger years). Anne wrote the poem above as her Valentine word contribution. I found it inspiring and beautifully crafted, so I asked Anne to publish it here. She gracefully accepted.

If you want to read more by my guest writer, visit her blog: Mrs My Heaven – – the secret path to pleasure.


Adriana Citlali



A flowy passage

Amelia looks at the water where moonlight transmutes into a flowy passage. She wonders how it would be to walk such path. Would it free her? Would it liberate all fears? She imagines fears released and flying away like colourful butterflies. Amelia observes the night, the fluttery rainbow leaving her body as she walks forward.

_____Adriana Citlali

Poetic prose in 55 words. Written for the Flash 55 PLUS! challenge.