When space is silence…

Words, sounds, and space…


The tempo of a thousand kisses

A thousand kisses said the song and it sounded black to me, absent of color, an emptiness containing love or passion. Absence where movement remains, somehow floating on that emptiness with a sound that makes it belong.

What movement? -you ask. The movement of closeness between two persons, lips sensually connecting with each other, kisses in ephemeral smoke … white … or red. Red with gray swirling into darkness at a larghissimo tempo, almost hypnotizing our senses.

Dark sounds evoking lovers.

A Sensual autumn midnight

lightless and timeless.

_____Adriana Citlali

Today’s theme is synesthesia. I wrote a haibun poem. The inspiration came from the fact that I started writing when my stereo played “A thousand kisses deep” by Leonard Cohen. Read other poets take on the theme at dVerse — Synesthesia.


How to fall in love

Start slow        beat   by   beat
                                    What’s the sound?
Listen carefully
roll along a pulse


If space shrinks:
                  Lock those eyes
                  hit a smile
Are you dancing?

Evoke mahogany bass      flow     loop      resonate
                                                                Edge the tone
                                         high   and   low
                                         wild while soft

_____Adriana Citlali

Posted over at d’Verse Poets Pub: Quadrille 106


**Psychedelic anticipation

Intermittent blue-brightness
  Unsteady sparkles
*  *  *  Fluorescent flashes   *  *

Insomniac Amelia pretends to sleep

Blaring lines propagate inside closed eyelids
Dizzying roller-coaster glow-rides

Amelia deep-dives in psychedelic night

Gleaming clock-light marks minutes
      with brassband effusion

Confusion      *     Distortion
   Moody hallucinations

Exhausted, Amelia decides to STOP
*    *  Electric spirals fight her desires
Amelia imposes a waltz dance
  *     A rainbow-on-acid offers a ride

Amelia thinks of dawn

Monettian smoothness

Satie-an soft-piano      fades  away

Amelia sleeps…

_____Adriana Citlali

dVerse Poets Pub –today’s word is dawn.


Silver with a dash of blue

I saw a silverbird the other day. We greeted each other as curious strangers –with a subtle eye recognition,         at   the  distance.
Silverbirds are known to be reserved.

One moonless night, he came to my window and sang a spellbinding song —Just for me!
I waited impatiently each sunset for darkness; darkness dazzled by that ephemeral song.
Then came the midnight sun.

Unbreakable until then, I did not understand the spiral I was falling into. I longed for crystalline enchantment, longed for the song.
In dizzying sunlight, my steps trembled.

I fell and broke.

_____Adriana Citlali

For dVerse | Poets Pub’s challenge to write a poem using the first person –-an apparent first person (maybe).