When space is silence…

Words, sounds, and space…



Have you ever forgotten the sky?

Yesterday I strolled, lost in dreams of color in anticipation of my first solo art show in Norway. I wondered about the contrast with the very autumnal day (a bit cold, a bit dry, too dark too early, too empty, too quiet). One more lightless afternoon in a repetitive pandemic mood. Who would attend an exhibition in this sombreness?

As I reached the middle of the bridge depicted in the picture, I stopped. It was not a conscious awareness that made me turn. In fact, I turned my head, glanced quickly, kept walking… I had to turn back again to understand that it was the sky calling for my attention. It was a striking sky reminding me of life itself.

How long? –I wondered — For how long had I forgotten you, my sky?

Autumnal oblivion
stopped abruptly, twisted
into stunning cloudy skies.

_____Adriana Citlali

“Forgotten sky”, ©2020 Adriana Citlali Ramirez

Author: Adriana Citlali Ramírez

A citizen of the world, born in Mexico city... A physicist (working as a geophysicist) and a part-time artist (creative writing, oil/acrylic painting, photography)… All posts, visual art, and poems ©Adriana Citlali Ramírez. All rights reserved.

15 thoughts on “Forgetness

  1. “Autumnal Oblivion” wow! 👏🏼👏🏼

  2. A beautiful reminder to … look to the skies. Cheers.

  3. I can’t remember ever forgetting the sky, Adriana, but I seem to have looked at it more when I first moved from London to the countryside, as light pollution always spoiled the view. Are you in Norway? That’s a place where you can really see the stars! What a beautiful haiku – and congratulations on your exhibition, which I’m sure will be a success!

    • Yes, I am in Norway. The long afternoons often come with beautiful colors. I used to look at the sky every day. Somehow in the last month or two, I realized I have been too detached from its colors.
      London is not the same, when it comes to the sky, but it has other wonders at nights with all the theaters and artists performing here and there —like the south bank.
      Ahh! Thanks (about the exhibition)!

  4. So nice to have you at the pub, and amazing how we both had wonderful sunsets to watch. I hope the exhibition went well. We are all isolating more or less these days.

  5. Beautifully written and poignant!

  6. This is absolutely breathtaking! An excellent reminder to stop, to look and appreciate the sky 💝

  7. Stunning haibun and photo. Congrats on your show.

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