When space is silence…

Words, sounds, and space…

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The aztec dream

The Aztec Dream

I want to join that sweet abyss of lethargic dreams
where consciousness is optional
and memories are allowed to disappear

I fear the seconds
the light and the person in the mirror
the one who can’t appreciate solitude

I long for distance, silence
Those ghostly noises can only talk about you

This suffocating reality
                               is an endless bad dream

I want to wake up
disintegrate the nightmare

Join the ancient aztecs in their rhythmic dance
invoke a new sun
wake up to real life


This poem is dedicated to Charlie’s friend…

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When space is silence…

I would like to share some contemporary poetry, along with thoughts and personal reflexions with you. I believe in organic projects, hence, this blog is destined to evolve with me and my audience — if any…

When I write poetry, sometimes I feel that perfect punctuation is necessary. More often, I realize that some of the punctuation is not needed, just like some of the words originally filling a stanza can be removed. In poetry, less is definitely more…Very often, I strongly feel that the words themselves in harmony with blank space can dictate the rhythm and silences of a poem. By allowing the words and the space create the rhythm, I believe I can almost paint a blank page with words. This is part of my voice, of my signature. This is my view.

I hope you enjoy some of my black and white paintings based on words.

Adriana Citlali