When space is silence…

Words, sounds, and space…


Endless skies and black metal

Infinity in a smoky thread of purple blood 
Surrounded by darkless nights 
endless skies and black metal 
she explores science, death or poetry 

she wonders about the emptiness 
of a busy day 
the music of a magnificent storm 
the silence in the background noise 
that space we left behind 

The girl looks at the purple stream
denouncing her
flowing in empty space
It could start a new cycle
be a spiral, initiation
or just the end

_____Adriana Citlali

Over at dVerse Sam Peralta is motivating us to write Twitter Poetry –each stanza must be 140 characters or less (spaces and punctuation included).
My attempt is a bit of a dark poem, but that’s today’s inspiration. It has exactly 140 characters per stanza.    Drop by Form for All: Poetry as Semaphore @ dVerse and read what other poets are twitting.