When space is silence…

Words, sounds, and space…

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                  After all these barriers

                  After all these deaths

I’m standing right here
in front of the gloom
holding this flower

Awaiting the sun once again
Pretending dark is the effect of an old eclipse

The dusk surrounds me
                      trying to shade my eyes

I have made a decision
I’ll trust in the sun
and its ephemeral or perpetual blaze

Knowing  it  will  glow  again
To  cover  the  fields  with  green  light
To  paint  orange  flowers  of  death


Cempoalxóchitl is the náhuatl name of the Mexican Marigold flower dedicated to death since prehispanic times. For more information, you can read:
Living in Mexico: Our Mexican Marigolds – Cempoalxochitl, the Flower of the Dead,
CIASP Diary: Flower of the Dead,
Days of the Dead.

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The aztec dream

The Aztec Dream

I want to join that sweet abyss of lethargic dreams
where consciousness is optional
and memories are allowed to disappear

I fear the seconds
the light and the person in the mirror
the one who can’t appreciate solitude

I long for distance, silence
Those ghostly noises can only talk about you

This suffocating reality
                               is an endless bad dream

I want to wake up
disintegrate the nightmare

Join the ancient aztecs in their rhythmic dance
invoke a new sun
wake up to real life


This poem is dedicated to Charlie’s friend…