When space is silence…

Words, sounds, and space…

**Psychedelic anticipation


Intermittent blue-brightness
  Unsteady sparkles
*  *  *  Fluorescent flashes   *  *

Insomniac Amelia pretends to sleep

Blaring lines propagate inside closed eyelids
Dizzying roller-coaster glow-rides

Amelia deep-dives in psychedelic night

Gleaming clock-light marks minutes
      with brassband effusion

Confusion      *     Distortion
   Moody hallucinations

Exhausted, Amelia decides to STOP
*    *  Electric spirals fight her desires
Amelia imposes a waltz dance
  *     A rainbow-on-acid offers a ride

Amelia thinks of dawn

Monettian smoothness

Satie-an soft-piano      fades  away

Amelia sleeps…

_____Adriana Citlali

dVerse Poets Pub –today’s word is dawn.

Author: Adriana Citlali Ramírez

A citizen of the world, born in Mexico city... A physicist (working as a geophysicist) and a part-time artist (creative writing, oil/acrylic painting, photography)… All posts, visual art, and poems ©Adriana Citlali Ramírez. All rights reserved.

12 thoughts on “**Psychedelic anticipation

  1. It is interesting that she was able to get to sleep by thinking about the dawn.

  2. Lights and colours flash right through this poem!

  3. Truly a psychedelic experience — the flash of colour, imagery, language. Well done.

  4. Oh, the cruelty of insomnia. You describe it so vividly, and lyrically. Lovely poem. 💜

  5. A very fresh style – lovely!

  6. Insomnia – when only dawn can make you sleep… the psychedelic swirl made it feel painful

  7. Painfully vivid!

  8. Good thing she was able to finally sleep ~ Hate it when I have insomnia ~ Take care ~

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