When space is silence…

Words, sounds, and space…


Structured procrastination past midnight

Amelia feels stressed and distressed
  Too tired for productivity
  Too late for adventure
  Too busy for love
  Too early for bed

She looks at the pile of laundry
          –reminds her of one hundred unanswered emails
  Oh,  sweet procrastination!
Amelia runs the dishwasher and sweeps the floor
while adding items to a mental list
    Amelia remembers the big day with a personal deadline
Unclaimed thoughts disrupt her prioritisation attempt
tasks  deadlines  duties  hobbies  meetings  love  notes  reports  reviews  jazz  hopes  reminders  clocks
tik                          tok                     tik                tok           tik         tok      tiK   tIK TIK!

Amelia’s heart is up-tempo
          –her knees flutter like humming-bird wings
   She lies down       –right there    right then
            Amelia scrolls her options
  No time for therapy
  No reason to cry
  No energy to laugh
  No mood for exercise
  No peace for yoga
  No!  NO!

Amelia takes control!

She closes her eyes
takes  three  deep  breaths
                one                     two                     three
paces    her    heartbeat
relaxes  her  imagination

Sparkling butterflies spread a breeze of perfume
      [ Colorlight ]
Amelia’s face golden-glows under a blissful sun
      [ Ocean waves ]
He hugs her tenderly while kissing her lips

It’s ecstasy day at 2am and she dreams stories I want to live

Amelia floats on the liquid of love and calmness
She bathes in daydreams and forgives
       invents a story weaving strands of reality and dreams
Amelia experiences passion and an ethereal eternity

Reality will come back
Amelia will meet the deadline
          –with a pleasant smile and a fuelled heart
Laundry will be done and emails answered

Amelia rests in the fiction of imaginary realism
Chaos relaxes into ordered fractals

What’s the point of procrastination if love finds you tired?

_____Adriana Citlali